What is Raffles Basketball like?
Personally. it was a very fun two years with Raffles Basketball. The teachers-in-charge of this CCA are very supportive, passionate and willing to help us out, be it in basketball or studies. The culture of Raffles basketball is one of togetherness. I've spent almost every Friday night after training eating dinner together with my teammates, and we study together before training and during the off-season. Basketball training sessions and conditioning have helped me improve my game, individual skills and fitness. Ultimately, I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Raffles.
- Tan Kang Yi, Class of '18
Basketball CCA so far has been a really pleasant experience. The seniors and batch mates alike are really welcoming and friendly, allow me to integrate into the family early on. Moreover, everyone in the CCA is really forgiving and open- minded, constantly offering advice and spurring each other on rather than to put someone down or to shift the blame away when something goes wrong.
- Wei Ziyuan, Class of '22
Is it very stressful studying at Raffles?
I can't lie and say that the past few months hasn't been stressful but I'd say that the support of my friends and CCA mates has been really helpful. Outside of academic commitments, school has been really fun. From the various activities which the council has organised to the occasional class bonding time given by the school. there are plenty of avenues for us to de-stress and bond with our friends, making school life a really delightful one.
- Wei Ziyuan, Class of '22
Studying in Raffles can be stressful. There are
students who will 'mug' a lot. but many of them also know when to have fun. As the saying goes, "You work hard and you play hard", At Raffles, I have met many great friends who were there for me physically and emotionally which has helped a lot.
- Garrison Koh, Class of '19
The Basketball CCA is awesome! We are a very tightly knitted bunch! There will definitely be opportunities to bond with your teammates! For example. our biannual overseas trip, team
dinners and team outings. The teachers-in-charge are also very caring and proactive in helping the students. They are always checking up on us and seeing how we are doing in school.
- Aw Zi Yann, Class of '19
What is the selection process like?
For selection, we will look at a few aspects:
1. Basketball Talent/Potential/Ability
2. Values like Discipline, Perseverance, Teamwork
3. Academic Ability
For academic ability, we are not looking for straight A students, but you should have good grasp of the concepts of your subjects and be able to cope with the rigour of the O levels.
For more info, go to www.ri.edu.sg/admissions
Is there a clear divide between the JAE and RP (Raffles IP) students?
There's not really a clear divide between the JAE and RP students. I was able to integrate into the school quite quickly. Granted, the RP kids may seem a bit intimidating since they know more people in the school. But most of the RP kids are very friendly and welcoming
- Aw Zi Yann, Class of '19